We had learned last week that the lady who specialized in small dog adoptions would be at PetSmart this weekend. She is usually there more than once a month but she is routinely there on the first weekend of every month. So off Krista and I went to PetSmart after my Jenny weigh-in.
Oh, I don't think I've mentioned it but Don and I agreed to Krista getting a small dog. You have no idea what a big deal this is. It's right up there with the same sort of discussions you would have with your 9 year old child who is begging for a puppy. Of course, this child is pushing 23 but the script was pretty much the same with the added fillip of adult negotiations added to the discussion.
Suffice it to say, we are soon to be invaded by a small dog (not a puppy) and definite one from a rescue center. Brenda, the lady at PetSmart (and who never showed up - hence the waiting) runs a rescue service specializing in small dogs. Her cat rescuing friend, Stella, WAS there however, and we learned that Brenda was second honeymooning with her husband AND she lived in Turlock. Well, heck. How convenient is that since WE live in Turlock.
So - anyway - we are still small dogless but while there the local greyhound rescue group arrived for their weekly meet-up and I got a chance to wander around PetSmart taking pictures of birds and other small creatures. Turns out this was not legit but I DID stop when the policy was 'splained.
Greyhounds on alert. They see more friends walking in their direction.
Much excited sniffing and wiggling and greeting ensues.
Krista makes a new friend.
Personally, if I were in the market for a dog, greyhounds would be high on my list. They are mild mannered, very calm and loving, and aren't much for barking. Not to mention their incredible gracefulness. Yes indeed, Don. Greys would be very high on my list. Not a lapdog but totally acceptable. Hmmmmm - someday.
My walk through PetSmart introduced me to this little guy. He was happy, shiny, and friendly - definitely a satisfied customer.
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