Wednesday, August 1, 2007


image from stockexchange
I haven't talked about it much here but I've been actively working towards being a healthier me. That means losing quite a lot of weight. I started last March and have managed to lose 20 lbs. After the wedding in June, I lost 3 more and then found myself in the midst of a typical 12th week struggle.

I have a lot of benchmarks for weight loss - get through the first three days, three weeks, three months, the first nine pounds. I managed to get through all of them this time though the 12 weeker was a bitch. I finally just gave myself permission to take time off and promptly put on 5 pounds.

But Monday I started up again with brand new resolve and it has been like the first week of Jenny back in March. I am feeling wonderful. Four of the five pounds are gone but I won't let that fool me. Initial weight loss at any stage is always fast and encouraging. Even taking a week off, giving the will and the body a rest seems to be just enough to shake things loose fast.

My sister wrote to me this morning and made this interesting comment:

New beginnings are invigorating! Renewal. Fresh. Instead of setting weight goals, why not trying setting time goals for yourself. As you have stated, 12 weeks is a critical point for you. So .... keep the faith for 12 weeks; take a 1-2 week break; start, renewed, another 12 week cycle. The game now becomes time not a number on the scale. Maybe that's a better game for you.

I think this is a brilliant insight for me and I'm going to use it for a while. Considering the amount of weight that needs to go and the time commitment involved, not to mention the challenge of the discipline of exercise, the time game, not the numbers game, would be a good switch for me. So, with renewed resolved - I am now committed to a time period of seven days (to August 8th) Then I will be in Willows visiting with Corey on the 9th and 10th. I don't plan to take the two days off, by any means. I simply use the 8th as an end date where nothing is happening that will give me extra challenges. Once there, I will move on to my next time goal.

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