Saturday, July 21, 2007

At the Next Table

Son gently guiding mother
her steps unsure.
Son gently seats mother
chair quickly set beneath her as
she trembles and sits.

Pink pants, so easy to pull on -
Cream sweater envelops
keeping her warm in the shade
of a hot summer day.
Sturdy shoes
Hair just so
She is ready for a morning out.

How delicious the special pastry he brings her.
How filled with anticipation the
special promise of ice cream on Monday.
A son's promise to a treasured and aging mother.

Slow and simple the questions
posed to guide a conversation.
Mother becoming child.
Patience now a requirement.

Long silences punctuated by sought after comments.
Did you have fun at the wedding?
Did you enjoy the food?
Could you hear the ceremony?

Encouragement to say the words - to talk
A reminder that more than a nod is needed.
The effort of conversation -
so swift and sparkling in youth -
now slowed to a languid drift.

Arise now. Step carefully.
Soon to return to the long rest.

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