Thursday, June 7, 2007

Silent Retreat

No, I have no plans to go on a silent retreat, though I have done short ones in the past and wouldn't mind doing so again for a longer period of time. But this morning I was at my usual watering hole, House of Java, gathering strength for the day and continuing my reading of Paul Mariani's Thirty Days on Retreat with the Exercises of St. Ignatius. I continue to draw enormous food for thought from this book but it is also showing me that I need to make a brave decision in my life.
I carry postcards with me all the time and use them as bookmarks. The postcard in this photo is the advertising card for the university's annual Senior Show. As I was reading Thirty Days this morning, I was deeply moved by these words that Mariani found within himself as he followed this spiritual journey - "What a poor creature I would be if I had to depend only on myself." A voice inside me echoed these thoughts and I knew I had to keep these words close at hand. There is something that I have been avoiding doing for a few weeks now and I will need to keep these words in my heart as I move closer to doing something that will require of me a lot of personal bravery and strength of purpose.

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