There is nothing there I want to visit.
Nothingness won't come alive - if
I don't go there.
Meme: The term "meme" (IPA: /miːm/, rhyming with "theme") was coined in 1976 by the biologist Richard Dawkins to refer to a "unit of cultural information" which can propagate from one mind to another in a manner analogous to genes (i.e., the units of genetic information).
A Meme in today's world is a short list of curious questions that one "tags" a friend with; it propagates via blogs, email and web sites. This particular meme comes to me via The Bemused Muse: Ok Toni, I'm sorry I didn't ask permission before I lifted this.
Here are the rules:
My birthdate - November 18th
But north of Sacramento and particularly north of Willows heading to Redding and above, something magical happens. The flat farmland changes to rolling farmland, grassland, and range land. It is surrounded by the Shasta National Forest and the Sierras to the east. Snow is so close you can almost taste it. For all the world, it reminds me of Wyoming. It feels just plain HUGE.
On the other side of Shasta, the farmland continues. It is rural in the extreme. After Redding there is nothing but small town exits that lead you somewhere else. One would think that this would be more tedium but in fact, what I found was miles and miles of interesting farms and barns. And so, I started clicking through my passenger window. Fortunately the sun was to the west and I was pointing east. The return trip was not nearly so photo-rich because of the sun and reflection. But here below are some of the wonderful barns of northern California and southern Oregon.
By the time Sunday morning had come around, there was no question in Don's mind but that we HAD to stop by the side of the road so I could take a picture. As we approached, Don spotted a clearly defined driveway and turnabout at what was at one time the front entrance to the house. Without a thought regarding private property, in we drove.
It was apparent that someone was maintaining a clear cut area around the building. This kept weeds and grass down and I suppose thereby inhibited the growth of a fuel source against future fires.
I was surprised this house was left standing. In California it would be down. Lord knows we don't want to deal with liability in lawsuit-happy California. At the least it would be surrounded by a security fence. But no - here there was a slight but futile effort to protect what was left evidenced by the blue and green tarps.