Saturday, October 28, 2006

The Longest Day

It has been a long, long day. Mom's funeral was this morning and I was so happy to see so many people come to remember her. It was a modest turnout of about 50 people but considering mom's isolation due to her stroke these past several years, it was a gratifying turnout and reunited us with some friends we had lost track of who, though much younger than mom, were nevertheless quite close to her.

I actually dressed up. I didn't quite recognize myself. I even wore heels. One inchers, for sure but since I'm flats girl, that one inch was impressive. Ten hours later, my feet are still feeling it.

I'll be getting back to my blog soon. I have quite a lot to write about. I am so grateful for all of your notes and messages; your expressions of sympathy and condolences. If I ever needed proof of the power of good thoughts and well-wishes, this was certainly the proof. Your warm thoughts, words and prayers have truly been strengthening.

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