Thursday, July 13, 2006

One Deep Breath - Ritual

We had an event this week that reminded me that we have evolved over the years a ritual for our pets when they pass on. We attract cats by the dozens and have a hard time not taking them in. Over the years cats have come and gone and in recent years we have had at least four disappear, most recently our kitty, Vinnie. We just discovered that one of our departed cats found his way beneath our house to curl up and die. This would have been Lindsay who disappeared about three years ago. The remains were found during the course of a termite inspection of all things. No termites but the mystery of one of our disappeared cats was solved. The whereabouts of Goldie and Poochie and Vinnie remain unknown.

From fish to hamsters to cats, we have had any number of these little family members join the roses in whatever backyard we happened to be occupying. Our newest rose garden addition is the very recently mentioned and very deeply lamented, Psycho Fish. Just three days after taking up occupancy in his new tank that he was harmoniously sharing with Kori the Koi (Yes, Corey, Kori. Blame Krista), Krista found him at the bottom of the tank and much drama ensued. Don gently lifted Psycho Fish from the depths and laid him in a little aluminum bed. Quanah carried him outside followed by Kris and with all due solemnity, buried him with the mini-roses and lavender.

A couple of days ago I realized that with so many backyard burials of hamsters, cats, and fish, we had indeed developed a special ritual of saying good-bye to our little creatures.

Pets enter our home
Living safe and loved lives
Then sleep with roses.

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