Saturday, April 22, 2006

Sunday Scribble #4/2 - Chocolate

This morning I was gently rocked into wakefulness as I read Corey's The Language of Words at Tongue in Cheek. Later, as I was contemplating chocolate and my less than ideal relationship with said substance and with food in general, I went back and read her words again. God help me but I was completely swamped by a Weird Al Yankovich moment. Thank you Corey for allowing me to pursue this crazed thought. It epitomizes my life-long struggle with food.

One bite of chocolate, a few bites of chocolate...the power of CHOCOLATE! The feelings chocolate can evoke, cherished chocolate, the cannot be forgotten chocolate. Chocolate sings, it whispers, cries, it angers -CHOCOLATE!! Chocolate does not speak, it is a siren call. Chocolate cannot be denied. Sharing chocolate. Sharing? NOT. I search for chocolate, write of chocolate as a substitute for its consumption. I bury chocolate in the back of the freezer, hiding it, questioning my sanity as I am consumed by the desire to consume chocolate. Poetic, prayful, worshipping at the altar of dark chocolate. Chocolate fills my heart, chocolate eases my pain, chocolate is my refuge and keeps me hidden. Chocolate speaks all languages. Chocolate carves a canker in my mouth, a red inflamed token of how I wear chocolate that says so much about me.

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